If I did not graduate high school early, and was still enrolled as a high school student, prom would be this Saturday. Don't get me wrong I am nowhere near torn up about that fact that I won’t be attending my senior prom. Lets just say the only way the adjectives bejeweled, bright, revealing, and, flamboyant can be used with a positive connotation is when referring to the fabulous costumes in Moulin Rouge. However, I do wish I had an occasion to wear a floor length gown. I find myself romanticizing about such an event, and I tend to imagine myself in something that Jackie Kennedy might find herself in.

Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy Onassis, was the demure and cultured First Lady of The White House, during her husband John F. Kennedy’s presidency. After his assassination in 1963, she then married Aristotle Onassis in 1968 until his death in 1975. Jackie’s life was not exactly perfect, yet she always carried herself with an air of class, dignity, and elegance, and will always be remembered as a true icon in American History. It is difficult to sum up someone of Jackie’s stature in a few short paragraphs, I highly suggest doing further research to get a more in depth perspective. That being said I am going to focus on what inspired me about her initially, her style.

Jackie always knew what worked best for her, and was not burdened with thoughts of wanting to look or dress like everyone else. She was confident and independent and exuded her own personality through her clothing. Jackie insisted on wearing sleeveless dresses when they were unheard of. She instantly became a trendsetter. The “Jackie look” made up of classic suits, A-line dresses, little white gloves, and of course pillbox hats is a look that many women try to emulate.

To me, Jackie embodies grace and sophistication. Not only did Jackie have impeccable style, she was extremely intelligent and known for her contributions to the arts and historic preservation. She was never caught at a bad moment; Jackie Kennedy Onassis was always the picture perfect.

images via Life.com