According to
Refinery29, the Wall Street Journal of the fashion world, H&M finally launched their online shop! As an online shopping junkie I am thrilled! That said, I admire the fact that H&M was more interested in expanding their physical presences as opposed to venturing into cyberspace. H&M spokeswoman, Marybeth Schmitt, said "Our goal was not to be first or the fastest. We always want to grow in a controlled way. Our focus over the past 13 years has been on expansion, with the opening of close to 300 stores across the country." In fact, there are two H&M's within walking distance from my apartment. Now, H&M is only a click away for anyone anywhere! To increase online traffic Schmitt said, "We will offer exclusive online pre-shopping of its Paris Show Collection. Presented first on the runway during Paris Fashion Week, this collection will debut globally in approximately 200 stores and online September 5th. However, U.S. customers will have the opportunity to be the first in the world to shop the collection by visiting on August 22nd." Well, thats all the news that's fit to print, so if you'll excuse me I have some online shopping to do...