Catch me on the way to class, on the subway, or out with friends, and there is a 99% chance I am wearing high heels. This "wintery-mix", as likes to refer to it as, kind of weather is not exactly heel friendly. Still, I just can't bring myself to toss my favorite pair of vintage brown leather heels to the side. What's a girl to do? There are sheets of ice on the sidewalks, and sometimes even several inches of snow, and I have found it nearly impossible this season to find a more practical shoe option. However, I recently stumbled across a shoe line that made me eat my words! Penelope and Coco adorable and definitely more weather appropriate collection of unique oxfords shoes! Throw on some nice wool tights, or high waisted slacks, with a pair of Penelope and Coco shoes and you can forget about having to compromise your style for the sake of being warm! I'll take a size 5.5 in each, please.
Photos via Penelope and Coco Oxford Collection Lookbook