Saturday, January 2, 2010

Outfit Shot

Oversized Bow Headband: Urban Winter Jacket: Vintage Tan Jacket: Retrospect Top: thrifted Textured Skirt/Tights: Urban Shoes: MJM


Carolyn in the City said...

As I said on your facebook, I love this look! One of my favs :-) Maybe cause it's so uptown ;-)

Fashion Addict said...

I really adore this whole outfit! you look so chic! I wish I had those shoes.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year! That's perfect outfit,
I love the Jacket and white leather bag..xx

enterrement de vie de jeune fille said...

Tu as un look que j'aime beaucoup très chic

Happy new year


Anonymous said...

I like the second photo. The jacket really looks cool!

Pomona Brothels said...

I love this vintage-inspired outfit.